Nice to meet you!

Hello! I’m Jasma. I am so very happy to welcome you to my virtual cookbook and food photography album! I have been YouTubing, recipe developing, food styling, and capturing it all with a camera ever since I was 11.

I’ve loved working with food for as long as I can remember and had a supportive family of talented cooks to thank for nurturing this passion of mine from when I could barely reach the kitchen counter.

My background in art is a massive part of everything I do and is heavily integrated into my culinary creations and approach to how I capture its essence.  

The value I associate with photography and videography is on par with the foods and recipes I aim to share.

The people behind all you see consist of a whopping team of two. Yours truly, who has stubbornly insisted on juggling every possible on and off-camera role I’m capable of, and my mother, who has also set out on her own YouTube venture. What can I say? It runs with the family (go watch Mama Fusion Cuisine).

Starting young on the internet has the potential for a great range of good and bad outcomes, even just as a hobby. My mom has been my fountain of wisdom every step of the way, with recipe testing, internet logistics, artistic choices and most importantly, preventing me from going off my rockers. 

Enough about me…go find a recipe!!